Long Hot Weekend

16 Feb, 2013

The days are long and very hot now. With these scorching temperatures everyone is doing everything they can to keep cool. Zac is keeping busy this weekend with a full shooting schedule. I just had a look at the shots from today.  I can see that we have some really hot new guys coming up. I’ve been hammered with emails from guys wanting to get on to the site. I think we need another site to fit all these guys on!

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Latvian dream twink – Gabriel

13 Feb, 2013

Hubba Hubba!  I’m working on the scene I shot with Jan Peters and his mate Gabriel Smits. I think Jan is totally hot.  But you must check out his fellow Latvian mate Gabriel. These guys were a lot of fun to shoot with. I wish we’d had more time while we were in Berlin to do more stuff with them. I love this shot of Gabriel half way through his video scene with Jan. The ready and waiting position!

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Casanova – Straight Mates

12 Feb, 2013

Gosh I’m dragging my feet a little with posting about our new straight mate Casanova. Both Zac and I were flat out shooting guys during our week long stay in Budapest. It’s possibly becoming my favourite European city to shoot in. We met some really hot guys there this time. Zac got to meet Casanova Antosa. This 19 year old straight mate was up for having some fun with Zac. I could hear them laughing a lot from the room next door. Casanova is really cute! It’s guys like Casanova that will take us back to Budapest again.  It’s a beautiful city full of beautiful men.

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Sydney shoots – Andy and Zoran

9 Feb, 2013

When I started remastering all of the older videos I had no idea it was going to take 2 years to complete. I am almost at the bottom of the box of DV tapes now. So the remastering project is almost finished. Zac has been doing the remasters for the past few months while I concentrate on the galleries and site maintenance. It’s nice to see some of my favourite scenes popping up. This one starring Andy Bond and Zoran Tabor is definitely one of my favourites. These guys really hit it off after meeting up at my Sydney hotel. I don’t get to shoot much up in Sydney anymore. I’d really like to do a scene with these guys again.

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Super Hung means Super Fun

30 Jan, 2013

I had fully planned to post all the updates from the Europe trip in the order that they were shot. But I can’t wait any longer to post this update starring the adorable Kane Wakeman. Kane was the last on a long list of guys that we shot in Berlin. As well as being a super nice guy from Bulgaria, Kane is also super hung!  You gotta check this guy out. He sent me a message soon after leaving the apartment wanting to do it again!  If I’d had more days in Berlin I definitely would have shot a second scene with him.  With beautiful guys like this to shoot, I’m sure we’ll be heading over to Europe again later in the year.

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Birthday Boy

29 Jan, 2013

A lot of my mates were asking me what I did for my birthday yesterday.  Would you believe me if I said I was working? It was such a beautiful day not to be getting outside and shooting. So I set up a shoot for the morning to make the most of those perfect blue skies. Later in the day I caught up with everyone for a lunch over by the river. It was kinda nice having a public holiday on my birthday. It wouldn’t have been nearly as nice if I had to go to the office.

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Last day of the Vacation – Singapore!

29 Jan, 2013

It seems like the vacation went so quickly now that I am back at home in Melbourne and back at work. On our way back to Melbourne we had a quick stopover in Singapore.  I had never been there before so we decided to stay overnight and have a little look around.  And I gotta say…  there are so many hot guys there!  It seem that the guys in Singapore are a lot more body conscious than some of the other Asian countries. We saw so many buff Asian guys walking around. It made me think that it’s been a long time since I have shot any Asian guys for the site. I gotta fix that very soon!  Here I am posing outside Prada on Orchid Road in Singapore.

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Beach Time

27 Jan, 2013

Today I only have one question.  When are we going to the beach again? It seems like forever since we have gotten down to some of Victoria’s beautiful surf coast beaches.  I have a few days off work coming up so I reckon we’ll grab some of the guys and head down the coast.  I love getting down the beach and getting naked on the sand.  This shot was taken by my mate Frank a couple of years ago at Point Addis.

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Next stop – California!

27 Jan, 2013

Probably most favourite place to travel to and shoot is California!  It’s no wonder there are so many porn studios and porn stars in California with all those long sunny days. The best way to get over a vacation is to book the next one. My next break from my day job is in April. So late in April we’ll be heading across to Pacific and landing in Palm Springs.  We will stay there for a bit over a week to catch some sun and shoot with a few guys. And then after that we’ll most likely head up to San Francisco and meet up with more guys there. I always find some of the hottest guys in California. I love there laid back nature and willingness to show off in front of the camera. Some of my favourite Californians are Conner Habib, Scott Campbell (pictured here), Anthony Blaize, Fabio Stallone and Aiden Bailey. Let’s see who I get to shoot with this year. Here are some screenshots from the video I made with Scott Campbell in Palm Springs last year.

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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Shooting with my cute mate Eddie
Soap up with my cute mate Andy in the shower
Photographing our hot new mate Ryan Ford