Fun times in San Francisco

13 Aug, 2013

I’ve just posted this video I made of Jay Taylor in my hotel room in San Francisco.  And I completely forgot how much fun we had when the camera started rolling. I just got an email from Jay asking when are we going to do it again. I’m starting to wish that SFO was on the travel itinerary for this month.  The next US trip begins tomorrow. Zac and I will be visiting Chicago and New York. I can’t wait to check out the guys over there.

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Desert Shooting

9 Aug, 2013

I used to think the beach was the best place to shoot outdoor scenes.  But now I have a thing for the desert.  With our mobile porn until all packed up we headed out to the sandy hills to shoot this scene with Scott Campbell in Pam Springs.  It has taken me a while to post this shoot.  But I finally pulled out all the photos and the video to post up this week.  I’m really happy with the shots.  At least up to the point when I was still taking photos. We’ll definitely be heading back there again next year.

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Back in the USA with Jay Taylor

5 Aug, 2013

I just realised this morning that I have just 9 days left until I’m on vacation and heading across the Pacific to the USA again.  I’m at my parents house in Queensland at the moment staying with my folks while my dad recuperates from an operation. But I’ll be heading back to Melbourne soon so I can get ready for the big trip. I need to edit all the updates before we head off. That usually takes a few days as I slot in the work around my day job. Mostly I’m looking forward to being in the US in the middle of summer.  I’ve heard it has been a very hot summer over there.

In the meantime the parade of new mates is still going on. The latest to join us is Californian hottie Jay Taylor. He was so much fun to shoot with. He was pretty nervous at first. But we ended up having a really good shoot in my tiny hotel room.

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2 weeks to go

2 Aug, 2013

I’m getting pretty excited about our US vacation coming up.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the US in summer.  In 2 weeks we will jet over to LA and then on to Chicago and New York.  It’s a BIG city tour. I’m hoping to catch up with some of our mates over there as well as make some new ones. In the meantime I’ll be working overtime to get all the updates for that time edited in advance so I don’t have to spend too much time in front of the computer while we are on the road.  There’ll be daily updates here while we are travelling to keep everyone updated on the trip.   Oh…  this is Paulie Vauss from Chicago.

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Jeffry’s warm up shoot

31 Jul, 2013

Posing for Aussie gay porn company Bentley Race

There’s no better warm up shoot than getting the guys naked in the shower before their main scene.  I have found that it takes any nerves away pretty quickly. Though Jeffry had done some porn before our meeting in Budapest, so I thought it was a little funny that he was a bit nervous when we first met.  Jeffry is an incredibly sweet guy…  as well as being very sexy. I like his look a lot.  I posted his scene in the shower today.  I also have a behind the scenes video from this shoot to post later this week. I’m really happy with these photos…  and as you can see Jeffry was pretty excited seeing them too.

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Porn star Jeffry Branson getting naked for Bentley Race in Budapest


Moustache Madness

27 Jul, 2013

David Circus

Do you remember David Circus?  I shot with him a couple of years ago in Budapest on my first visit there.  I found him again recently on Twitter…  and I gotta say… he is looking hot!  He was pretty hot back then, but now he’s all muscly and rocking a sexy moustache. Oh man I wish I could get him in front of the camera again. Or maybe even get him down here to experience the making of gay porn in Australia.  I think he moved to London last year and has been appearing on some UK websites.   Here’s a pic he tweeted recently.  David gets better looking every time I see him!

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Mid Winter Shooting

26 Jul, 2013

I gotta say that I really don’t like shooting in winter.  It’s cold and dark…  the two enemies of making porn.  But when I find hot guys to shoot I really can’t resist. So last weekend I had my first mid-winter shoot. I was a bit rusty getting back in to shooting again.  My model was a real trooper getting naked in the cold back stairwell. I made sure the shoot was nice and quick so he could come back in to the warm apartment.  It’s not nearly as much fun as shooting out in the hot sunshine. And it was good for me to get some practice in before the trip to America next month.

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Rocking out naked by the pool

22 Jul, 2013

Muscle porn star Jordano Santoro pool side at Bentley Race

It was a pleasure to post the shots from Jordano’s poolside shoot this weekend.  I had some troubles with the new server that stopped members from being able to log in to the site on Sunday. So it was nice to get away from the stress for a little while and work on these shots of the beautiful Jordano.  One of the nest things about travelling is meeting some amazing people.  I’m really happy that we managed to meet up with Jordano and spend some time hanging out in the Californian desert back in April. Definitely one of my favourite shoots so far this year.  And my server troubles seem to have gone away too. So it’s a very good start to the week.

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Blast from the Past

20 Jul, 2013

Saxon West on Kristen Bjorn

I love finding guys that I have shot with some time ago. I almost didn’t recognise Saxon West with the new shaved head.  I had heard that he moved from the states to Europe. I’m very excited to see that he is now appearing in European porn. This one was apparently shot in Prague. I had a huge crush on Saxon when I met him a few years ago in New York.  And he looks even hotter now!  I’ll be checking out his scene on Kristen Bjorn.

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Sweet Californian Drake Tample

19 Jul, 2013

Straight mate Drake Temple strips naked at Bentley Race

I absolutely love the shoot I did with Drake when I landed in San Francisco.  After a bumpy week dealing with the website move to the new server I was happy to get back in to the posting schedule and put up these great shots of Drake. I see that he has done a bit more porn since we met 2 months ago. I’ll post the video we made together shortly too.

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Updated 4 times a week
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Behind the Scenes
videos, blog and more!
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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Shooting with my cute mate Eddie
Soap up with my cute mate Andy in the shower
Behind the scenes with the very handsome Louis Coleman