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The happiest place in the world?

21 Nov, 2012

Travel porn - shooting in Asia

I have just finished posting the video I made with Axel Peters in my hotel in Bangkok.  And it made me think about how much I like travelling in Thailand.  It’s one of my favourite countries in the world.  Sure it’s a rough travelling around Asia and the services are not what we are used to when travelling around major westernised countries. But there is something about Thailand that I really like.  The warm weather, the friendly happy people and the laid back lifestyle. I recently went to Thailand (Pattaya and Bangkok) to take my parents, brothers and sisters on a vacation.  There were 12 of us all up.  Everyone had a great time. But Zac and I ended up staying on another 2 weeks. I am lucky with my day job in IT that I can work from anywhere in the world.  So I worked for 2 weeks from hotels in Bangkok. It made me realise how much I would like to try living there sometime. It also made me realise how expensive living in Australia is.  The cost difference between the same products in these countries is outrageous!  After having travelled so much now I’m becoming aware of how expensive it is to live in Australia.  While we were in Thailand we also managed to do a bit of shooting with some Euro guys we met there.  It’s so nice to shoot in a place where it’s always hot and sunny.

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Travelling and shooting porn

Naked in Thailand

Jomtien Beach in Pattaya

Shooting naked men in Asia

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